Easy DIY Headboard Ideas to Spruce Up Your Bedroom

Redecorating your space doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg though. And what better way to rejuvenate your bedroom than with a budget friendly do-it-yourself project?
A north Texas resident and mom to a 1-year-old, Maggie loves to find, fix up and resell old furniture, and was hooked after her first project just last year. Her favorite furniture flip: “My favorite… is buffets. They always have so much potential for nearly any room… and I love creating furniture for common areas!”
We’ve got inspiration and step-by-step instructions on how to create two unique headboards that will pair perfectly with a Zinus bed frame from furniture flipper and home decor blogger Maggie McGaugh, and home decor and DIY blogger Ashley Wilson.
Maggie’s Quick DIY Cane Headboard Hack
For a total price of $50 ($10 for spray paint and $40 for the thrifted headboard) and working time of two to three hours, this is a simple and elegant DIY furniture piece you can easily recreate in an afternoon.
Supplies Needed
- Wood Platform Bed
- Black spray paint
- Cream spray paint
- Orbital sander
- Drill and drill bits
- Painter’s tape
- Jigsaw
- Krud Kutter
- Rag
- Table saw (only needed if original headboard is too tall for bed frame)
1. Find your furniture flip
Maggie found a headboard on the NextDoor app, and knew the exact look she wanted to recreate. “I love cane… and so excited to find this [headboard]. My dining room table is black with cane, so I knew I wanted a similar look for my bedroom.” Thoroughly clean your piece with a rag and Krud Kutter before getting to work.
2. Prep your piece
Next, use a jigsaw to cut off any corners you do not want on your final headboard. “Jigsaws are so easy to use, though they can seem overwhelming at first. All you do is plug it in, put on safety goggles/mask… and slowly and steadily glide it along the line you'd like to cut.” Afterwards clean again and sand your headboard using the orbital sander so paint sticks.
3. Paint
Maggie used cream spray paint and painter’s tape for the cane, then covered the cane and painted the body of the headboard black. Maggie highly recommends spray paint as it’s “a fast, affordable option that's great for low-traffic pieces in your own home!” Let the paint dry for at least one hour, and a coat of seal is optional.
4. Attach, then rest and relax
After the headboard was completely dry, Maggie set up her wood platform bed (also painted black to match the headboard) then attached her freshly flipped headboard by drilling screws into the base.
Ashley’s Easy DIY Rattan and Wicker Headboard
An interior designer from Florida and a long time home decor and DIY blogger, Ashley knows a thing or two about creating beautiful furniture for next to nothing. “I am passionate about creating a beautiful home and life and… creating affordable decor. I truly believe that everyone can have a beautiful home, no matter what your budget is!”
Inspired by a love for rattan and wicker headboards, she wanted to create the same look for less. “I love the coastal and casual vibes [rattan] gives any room. And there’s no beach needed!” Keep reading for her take on a DIY rattan and wicker headboard.
Supplies Needed
- Justina Quick Snap metal mattress frame (or similar)
- Plywood sheet
- Jute round rug
- Wood to metal screws
- Heavy duty scissors
- Jigsaw
- Sander
- Drill and drill bits
- Pencil
1. Build your base
First, Ashley built her Justina Quick Snap metal mattress frame. The award winning foundation came together in a matter of minutes, and she knew the sleek, modern frame would look great with a wicker headboard.
2. Trace the rug
Placing the jute round rug on top of the plywood, Ashley used a pencil to lightly trace the arch of the rug. Quick tip: tape the rug to the plywood to ensure your trace pattern is even and steady!
3. Cut the arch
Next, she used a jigsaw to cut the arch pattern on the plywood. (If trying at home, don’t forget to wear safety goggles!) Once the plywood was cut, she sanded the edges until they were smooth.
4. Attach the rug
Ashley then stapled the rug onto the plywood arch and cut off any excess rug that wouldn’t be showing with heavy duty scissors. She also recommends stapling the ends of the rug so they won’t fray.
5. Connect the pieces
In order to attach her headboard to her Zinus frame, Ashley used a drill bit to drill pilot holes in both the plywood bottom and the metal base, then drilled screws into the plywood to attach it to the base.
6. Make the bed
After making sure the frame and headboard are both nice and secure, Ashley put the mattress and the finishing touches on her brand new Zinus bed frame with a beautiful handcrafted rattan and wicker headboard, all for only $150 and made in half a day.
In order to attach her headboard to her Zinus frame, Ashley used a drill bit to drill pilot holes in both the plywood bottom and the metal base, then drilled screws into the plywood to attach it to the base.