Does Your Circadian Rhythm Need a Reset? Here’s How to Tell.

Believe it or not, it’s not just your alarm clock that tells you when to wake up in the morning. Your body’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, uses internal and external cues to signal your...

Our Best Tips for Better Sleep, Based on What Keeps Real People up at Night

Quality sleep is often one of the most overlooked aspects of overall physical and emotional health. And we get it. With busy day-to-day lives and the stressors that come with it, it can be challenging...

8 Steps You Can Take Today to Improve Your Sleep Apnea, According to Experts

Poor nighttime sleep or excessive daytime sleepiness isn’t always easy to diagnose. Sometimes an uncomfortable mattress or inadequate sleep environment is the culprit. But other times, a deeper medical issue is to blame. Sleep apnea is one...

How to Fine-Tune Your Morning Routine for Maximum Productivity

Trying to crack the code of how to be more productive in 2022? Believe it or not, a good morning routine can make all the difference. By adjusting the way you wake up, you can...

How to Get the Most Out of a Power Nap

A science-backed solution that can help that dreadful feeling of the afternoon slump. Enter the almighty power nap.

Different Dog Sleeping Positions, Decoded

If you’re one of the millions of Americans that own a dog, you’ve probably noticed that your furry friend has certain sleeping behaviors, just like you! And as it turns out, their sleep position can...

4 Sleep Positions to Try With an Adjustable Bed for Better Health and Relaxation

If you’ve been considering an adjustable bed, you’re probably looking for one of two things: better sleep or added convenience (or both!).

7 Common Dreams and What They Could Mean

We all have dreams, even if we don’t always remember them. But what do our dreams mean? While no one is completely sure of what dreams mean or if they even have a purpose, we’ve...

The Best Sleep Position for You

Learn about the most common sleep positions and their pros and cons. Whether you are a stomach sleeper, back sleeper, or side sleeper there is a mattress match to help you sleep better.